Crow Therapies does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, or age in admission, treatment, or participation in its programs, services, and activities, or employment. Crow Therapies is accessible to all persons with disabilities.

For further information about this policy, contact:

Contact Person/Section 504 Coordinator Greg Crow
Telephone Number: 936-328-8148TDD
or State Relay Number: 7-1-1 Toll Free: 800-735-2989

Interpretive Services:

Crow Therapies only hires qualified interpreters which includes sign language professionals. All interpretive services and auxiliary aides utilized for your examination and treatment are free to you, per Federal law. We have the following interpretive/translation services available by appointment. (select the medium(s) you will offer)

  • Face-to Face (in person) interpretive/translation services

  • Telephonic (remote) interpretive services

  • Video/visual (remote) sign language interpretive services

  • Audio & visual (remote) interpretive services

  • A combination of face-to-face, telephonic, audio/visual services

The interpretive services utilized by Crow Therapies are in accordance with the Affordable Cares Act guidelines.

If you need interpretive services, please advise our office at the time you schedule your appointment. Please let us know if you need the list of the top 15 languages spoken in Texas.


440 US Hwy 59 Loop South suite 104
Livingston, TX 77351

108 e dallas st CLEVELAND, TEXAS 77327

200 Christie ST, Lufkn, Texas 75904

Phone: (936) 328-8148
Toll Free: 888-328-8148
Fax: (936) 327-2491


Livingston & Cleveland Facilities:

Monday -Thursday 8am-6pm
Friday 8am-4pm

Lufkin Facility:

Monday and Friday 9am-12:30pm